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Events 15th September 2017

Events 15th September 2017

15th September 2017

CDE research engineer Dhana Frerichs successfully defends thesis It is with great pleasure that we confirm...

CDE research engineer Dhana Frerichs successfully defends thesis

CDE research engineer Dhana Frerichs successfully defends thesis

06th September 2017

It is with great pleasure that we confirm that CDE Research Engineer Dhana Frerichs has successfully defended...

Big win for Bournemouth University at the TIGA Awards 2016

Big win for Bournemouth University at the TIGA Awards 2016

16th November 2016

TIGA - Europe's largest network of independent game developers and publishers, held their flagship event on...

Dhana Frerichs has a paper published in “Computers & Graphics Volume 52”

Dhana Frerichs has a paper published in “Computers & Graphics Volume 52”

10th September 2015

We are very pleased to announce that CDE Research Engineer Dhana Frerichs, along with co-authors Andrew...

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