CDE Events
Back on the 5th of February, we ran a CDE welcome and networking event in our CDE Virtual event space in GatherTown.
This was a great chance to welcome new industry supervisors to the CDE, get together CDE Research Engineers, academics and industry partners to chat and network, and find out more about our Research Engineers EngD projects at our virtual research showcase. If you missed the event but would like to catch up on what our Research Engineers are working on now, and our current collaborations with industry you can check out their profiles here.
On 24th February a group of CDE Research Engineers attended a ‘Jump start your creative mind’ workshop online with artist, author and illustrator Sara Pinto.
This workshop designed to unlock and unblock creativity provided a great opportunity for students to come together during a time of isolation and enable their creativity to flourish, a vital skill for researchers.
On the 4th and 5th of March, we were excited to run our first online writing retreat with the team at the Academic Skills Centre at the University of Bath. Focusing on how to bring clarity to our writing, the retreat allowed our Research Engineers to think about how to plan, improve and reflect on their writing.
We are pleased to announce that the recruitment call for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) COFUND Research Centre for Applied Creative Technologies (CfACTs) is now open. Co-led by Prof Jian Chang and Prof Jian J Zhang, of the Bournemouth University’s National Centre for Computer Animation, CfACTs will recruit six funded post-doctoral researchers (CfACTs fellows) and embed them in UK creative technology companies for up to two years, to deliver multi-disciplinary research focused on industrial applications related to three BU Strategic Investment Areas: Animation, Simulation and Visualisation; Medical Science and Assistive Technology. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 900025.
CfACTs is proud to be working with our industry partner organisations, providing valuable industrial experience and supporting the overall training of our researchers:
Research Theme 2 – Framestore -Learned Resolution Independent Rendering for Feature Films
esearch Theme – Humain – Deep Learning in 3D Modelling and Animationesearch Theme – Humain – Deep Learning in 3D Modelling and Animation
Eligible applicants must:
Not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g., work, study) in the UK for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline
Have a doctorate or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.
Complete a Research Proposal(max. 10 pages) as well as additional documentation included on the CfACTs webpage.
Application submission deadline – 30 April 2021,2330hrs GMT
More details are available on the CfACTs webpage
International Day of Women and Girls in STEM
Last month we celebrated the International day of Women and Girls in Science. CDE are hugely proud to be supporting so many amazing women to achieve their potential. To be inspired click through…CDE Women in STEM
Publications and successes
Huge congratulations to Thomas Williams whose paper ‘Augmented Reality and Older Adults: A Comparison of Prompting Types’ has been accepted at CHI 2021. Thomas’ research has been carried out with Dr Simon Jones, Dr Christoph Lutteroth and Dr Elies Dekoninck at the University of Bath and his partner Designability in Bath. CHI 2021, Making Waves, combining strengths will take place virtually from 8th to 13th May 2021.
Great news also from Azeem Khan whose EngD research has been selected for Ubisoft’s Open House – an internal event where people from different studios/teams present their research. It’s taking place in late February and Azeem has to produce a poster and video presentation for it. Azeem is working with Ubisoft and his supervisor at UoB, Dr Tom Fincham-Haines on his project ‘Procedural Gameplay Flow Using Constraints’. The Open House is an informal event within Ubisoft to provide a space for discussions around research-oriented projects which are still in the concept/prototype phase.
Research Study ‘Learning from Digital Agents’
CDE Research Engineer Izzy Fitton is looking for participants for her study into ‘Learning from Digital Agents’. If you have 30 mins to spare, are over 16, have normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing, and are physically fit to dance then please check it out. An excuse to break up the monotony of working from home!
Find out more here.