CDE Events 22nd August 2019

27th August 2019

CDE Events 22nd August 2019

Team CDE support Designability in Bath Dragon Boat Race

The Centre for Digital Entertainment students, academics and staff members are taking part in the 2019 Bath Dragon Boat Race to support Bath-based charity, Designability! Designability is one of CDE’s industrial partners, hosting two of our research engineers, Zack Lyons and Thomas Williams and working together to change lives. Designability design and create products for children and adults living with a disability or long-term illness. They help provide independence in everyday life, but can also be fun, just like the Wizzybug for children under 5! In the last 50 years they have made over 300 products and we want to help them make even more, and be a part of transforming the lives of people living with a disability across the UK. Will you help us? Any donation you can make will take us one step closer to achieving our target!

Making a donation is easy, via our Just Giving Page.

EPSRC Telling Tales of Engagement Competition 2019

The Digital Economy (DE) theme intends to launch a ‘Telling Tales of Engagement Competition’ (TTE) in August 2019 to help capture and promote the impact of UKRI-funded DE research.

It is anticipated that three TTE awards will be available, each worth £10,000 spanning over 18 months. These awards are designed to help capture the wider impact of DE research and to provide researchers with the opportunity to tell their story of research impact in an interesting and engaging way to a wider audience, including the general public.

To be eligible to apply the proposed TTE activity has to be aligned with previous DE-funded research. Applications are open to teams as well as individuals.

**Applications will be welcome from all academic career stages (ranging from PhD students to established researchers), as well as from industry, users and the third sector**.

The call will open on 31st August 2019 and will close on 12th December 2019.

Further details can be found on the EPSRC Website.

For inspiration and to look back on the successful application of CDE Research Engineer (RE) Phil Wilkinson in 2016 click here.

Catherine Taylor and Kyle Reed present their CDE EngD research in Los Angeles

CDE Researchers Catherine Taylor and Kyle Reed headed to Los Angeles in July to present their EngD research. Kyle presented his paper on ‘User-Guided Facial Animation through an Evolutionary Interface’ at the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium of Computer Animation (SCA). Kyle’s research is in collaboration with Prof Darren Cosker and Dr Kwang In Kim at the University of Bath and his host company Cubic Motion.

Catherine Taylor also presented a paper at SCA presenting her EngD research on VR Props. It was a busy week for Catherine who also had her paper ‘VRProp-Net: Real-time Interaction with Virtual Props’, accepted at SIGGRAPH 2019. Catherine’s research is in collaboration with Prof Darren Cosker and Dr Neill Campbell at the University of Bath and host company Marshmallow Laser Feast.

Huge congratulations to you both.

CDE Research Engineer Asha Ward has a paper published

CDE Research Engineer Asha Ward has had journal success, with her paper ‘Music Technology and Alternate Controllers for Clients with Complex Needs’, published in Oxford Academic Music Therapy Perspectives. Congratulations to Asha and her supervisory team Dr Tom Davis and Dr Ann Bevan. The paper is not open source, however, if you would like further information regarding the article, please contact Asha Ward.

CDE Research Engineer Thomas Williams has a poster accepted

CDE Research Engineer Thomas Williams has had a poster accepted at the Immersive Technologies in Academia and Industry workshop at Cardiff University in September. Thomas’ poster presents his EngD research on ‘Augmented Reality for Dementia’ with Dr Elies Dekoninck, Dr Christoff Lutteroth and Dr Simon Jones at the University of Bath and his host company Designability. The workshop is free to attend.

CDE Alumni Oliver Gringrich takes part in KIMA: Noise

CDE Alumni Oliver Gringrich is taking part in KIMA: Noise at Maxilla Space in Notting Hill, which will be shown at the Tate Exchange in November this year. More details and information on how to register can be found here.

Women in Games celebrates 10 years

The Women in Games European Conference 2019 takes place at the London College of Communication on the 11th and 12th of September 2019.

The annual Women in Games European Conference represents the diverse talent that exists in the game industries by bringing together over 50 leading speakers and panellists delivering a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions and workshops…coupled with the Women in Games Awards and the 10th Anniversary Party.

More information can be found here.

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