Events 18th July 2019

24th July 2019

Events 18th July 2019

Congratulations Dr Ciucanu

We were all thrilled to see CDE Research Engineer Anamaria Ciucanu graduate with her EngD in Digital Entertainment last week. Huge congratulations to Anamaria and her supervisory team Prof Darren Cosker and Dr Neill Campbell at University of Bath. Good luck with all your future endeavours Dr Ciucanu.

Rory Clark represents Ultrahaptics in Japan

CDE Research Engineer Rory Clark had the honour of representing his host company Ultrahaptics in Japan at the World Haptics 2019 conference this month, presenting a poster on ‘Mid-Air Haptic Textures from Graphics’. The IEEE World Haptics Conference is the premier international conference covering all aspects of haptics. Ultrahaptics uses ultrasound to create rich 3D shapes and textures that can be felt but not seen.

Wearable Tech workshop

CDE Research Engineer Olivia Ruston headed up a workshop as part of a University of Bath free event for year 12 girls with an interest in Computer Science this month. Her ‘Introduction to Wearable Tech’ workshop was one of many the girls could choose from on the day. It’s so great to see our REs inspiring the next generation!

Catherine Taylor at ICVSS 2019

CDE Research Engineer Catherine Taylor attended the International Computer Vision Summer School in Sicily earlier this month. The summer school is in its 13th year and aims to provide an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research in Computer Vision. Catherine presented her poster on ‘VRProp-Net: Transporting Real Objects into Virtual Reality and Augmented Environments’.

Catherine has a busy few months ahead of her as she will be presenting a poster at SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles and has also had papers accepted at ACM SIGGRAPH/ Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation in Los Angeles and The IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality in Beijing. Congratulations Catherine on this amazing success.

Catherine is working together on her research with her host company Marshmallow Laser Feast.

Victor Ceballos Inza at Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing

CDE Research Engineer Victor Ceballos Inza attended the 17th Eurograpics Symposium on Geometry Processing in Milan this month.

The symposium is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in Geometry Processing and was hosted by Universita egli Studi di Milano.

We want your research/company demos!

CDE Showcase 4th October 2019 atBFX (Bournemouth’s Visual Effects Festival)

CDE will have a showcase on Friday, 4th October, at the BFX recruitment day. Several VFX / Animation and Games studios will be on site, creating a very busy recruitment fair.

This year the CDE showcase will be positioned close to the main recruitment area, with a natural flow of visitors. This event offers a great opportunity for public engagement, data collection, and increasing your research profile with the industry. If you are not at the demo stage of your research you are welcome to attend and participate in the showcase using your CDE Research Profile Poster which will be displayed.

Although October does seem like a long way off at the moment, we want to include details of the CDE showcase on the main BFX website. Therefore we request that you email Zoe Leonard confirming you will submit a demo (please include a brief description). As always, please ensure you have permission to showcase your work from your academic and industrial supervisors.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Zoe.

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