CDE Blog – keeping you up to date with events, deadlines and dates for your diaries. |
CDE Showcase 20th June 2018 On 20th June 2018 CDE will be hosting a CDE showcasing event at the Digital Catapult Centre in London. The event will commence with a light lunch and networking, with CDE students showcasing interactive demos within the Immersive Lab area of the Digital Catapult. We will then head through to the main auditorium where CDE students will have the opportunity to give a short presentation on their research. We will also be joined by CDE Alumni Oliver Gingrich and the Analema Group who will be presenting their KIMA project. We anticipate the event closing at 16.30 CDE students, academics and companies will be invited to attend, along with members of the Digital Catapult and Digital Economy Network. The Call All CDE students are invited to attend and provide one of the following:
To submit to this event (or if you have any questions), please email Zoe Leonard with the following information:- Name Email address Type of submission Any special requirements you may have for setting up More details regarding registration will be available soon. This will be a great networking and cohort-building activity and we look forward to seeing you all there. ******** Assistive Living Technology (ALT) Symposium on Monday 21st May 2018 at the Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University. The Symposium will be a fusion of research domains: Human-Computer Interaction, Cyber-Physical Systems, Robotics, Accessibility, Digital Health and Inclusion. The sponsor of the Symposium is EduWeb (EU Erasmus+ Project), which promotes digital inclusion within educational institutions by providing a safe and creative web. We are delighted to welcome Professor Nigel Harris from Designability, who creates products to increase dignity, confidence and independence for over 250,000 people with reduced abilities. The charity is supported by the University of Bath and Bath & North East Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board. We also welcome MartinHarman and John Heath from Southampton & SW Hants Remap Panel and MichaelGarnish from Bournemouth Remap Panel. Remap is a national charity operating through local groups of skilled volunteers, who provide independence for people with reduced abilities by designing and manufacturing bespoke equipment to assist with daily tasks. Designability and Remap will deliver presentations on the application of assistive living technologies to real-world environments. CDE research engineers Mark Moseley and Asha Ward will be presenting at the symposium. There is no cost to attend the event, but delegates are required to register online through Eventbrite at: Registration includes refreshments and a finger buffet lunch(please advise by email of any dietary requirements). Tickets will be available on a first-come first served basis and there is a maximum capacity of 50 delegates. If you require parking at Talbot Campus, please email[email protected]quoting ‘Assistive Living Technologies Symposium’. If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact [email protected] ********