Events 31st January 2018

31st January 2018

Events 31st January 2018

We are pleased to announce that CDE RE Alex Gouvatsos successfully defended his thesis “3D Storyboarding for Modern Animation” yesterday at Bournemouth University.

Alex completed his placement at Hibbert Ralph Animation, with the industrial supervisory support of Jerry Hibbert and academic support from Bournemouth University’s Dr Zhidong Xiao and Prof Jian Jun Zhang. Our congratulations go to all of the team for this success.

Alex had this to say about his CDE Experience….. “Being a part of the CDE has been an incredible journey. I met amazing people, travelled to amazing places and learnt how to be a successful independent researcher. Having experienced my viva, I feel like I have a more complete understanding of what a doctorate (at least an engineering one) is about. I feel relieved and happy and ready for my next challenge.

I now work as an R&D Software Developer at Double Negative. I plan to keep applying the skills the CDE empowered me with while working on impressive films that I love. I never planned to do a PhD, but when I saw what the EngD offered I immediately applied. With its strong industrial ties, the CDE allowed me to join the industry I loved and carry out research directly within a company.”

We wish Alex well in his future as an R&D Software Developer.


ISCF Workshops: Audience of the Future

On 27th November 2017, BEIS published the “Industrial Strategy – Building a Britain fit for the future – White Paper. The Industrial Strategy includes several valuable opportunities for the Creative Industries including a proposed £33m challenge fund for Audience of the Future.

The business case for the challenge is currently being finalised. Should the business case receive approval, the expectation will be for the funding to become available in Spring 2018.

This programme of workshops, organised by KTN / Immerse UK on behalf of Innovate UK and the Research Councils, presents an opportunity for delegates to learn more about the proposed Audience of the programme, as well as a chance to meet other businesses, researchers, etc. and build new collaborations. Feedback gathered will inform and influence grant-funding opportunities.

Feb 1st 2018 – Cardiff

Feb 5th 2018 – Manchester

Feb 12th 2018 – Glasgow

Further details:

The challenge is outlined on page 76 of the ‘Industrial Strategy’ (

Audience of the Future
Immersive technologies such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality are changing how we experience the world around us – from entertainment and art to shops and classrooms. The challenge is to bring creative businesses, researchers and technologists together to create striking new experiences that are accessible to the general public. This can create the next generation of products, services and experiences that will capture the world’s attention and position the UK as the global leader in immersive technologies.


EMMA Doctoral Summer School 2018

Media Management: The Next Generation

Where: Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media & Communications, UK.

When: 4th-6th July 2018 (Start: Wednesday 4th July 9 am – End: Friday 6th July 5 pm).

For whom: Doctoral students at all stages of their research and early-stage post-docs.

Held by: The Advances in Media Management (AiMM) research team led by Dr John Oliver, in collaboration with academic colleagues from media management and leading UK media industry professionals.


The Doctoral Summer School will have two inter-connected themes. Firstly, we aim to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them to develop as Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and contribute to the next generation of academics in the field of Media Management. Secondly, we will engage students with a fusion of media management theory and practice by examining the emerging theoretical and media practice developments that will ultimately define the next generation of media management challenges.

More information can be found here:


BU students, do you want to showcase your PhD? Raise the profile of your research. Be in with the chance of winning over £500 worth of prizes.

If the answer is yes to any of the above then the 3MT® might be the opportunity for you.

The 3MT® competition cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

Presenting in a 3MT® competition increases the capacity to effectively explain research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Eligibility: Active PhD and Professional Doctorate candidates who have successfully passed their transfer milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under submission) by the date of their first presentation are eligible to participate. If your Viva Voce will take place before the date of the University final (7 June 2018) you are not eligible to enter the competition.

Eligible applicants should submit a fully completed application form, to the Research Skills and Development Officers at [email protected] by midnight on Monday 5 February 2018.


The Institute for Mathematical Innovation is presenting a campus-wide thematic semester at the University of Bath.

Machine Learning: Algorithms and Ethics: February – May 2018

Bringing together a wide range of academic disciplines, this IMI thematic semester will shed fresh light on the rapidly growing field of machine learning, and the increasing use of algorithms in public and business decision-making. We’ll talk about how this impacts individuals, and how we ensure that algorithms generate meaningful answers that can be challenged.

More information on all the talks, seminars and workshops can be found here:

CDE student Andreas Theodorou and CDE supervisor Dr Rachid Hourizi will both be speaking at the AI, Machine Learning and Ethics: A University of Bath showcase in London on 7th February 2018. For full details and free registration:

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