Events 9th June 2017

09th June 2017

Events 9th June 2017


This week we have congratulations for Steve Willey who successfully defended his thesis ‘Improving the Pipeline for Stereo Post-Production’. You can read more about his CDE experience here.

We also have congratulations for Daniela De Angeli, although she has been extremely busy with the organisation of the CDE conference, she still managed to find herself nominated for the first-ever Faculty of Science Teaching Awards at the University of Bath. Daniela was one of the lucky winners and is pictured above with The Dean who presented her award.

Daniela De Angeli has also recently won the Vice-Chancellor’s Postgraduate Prize for Public Engagement with Research for her research that explores how games can be used to create museum experiences that are both entertaining and meaningful. Daniela is drawing on her computer science background to show how interactive games can be designed to bring museums to life through interactive exhibits. Read more about the Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement Awards at the University of Bath.


CDE Conference 2017

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the CDE Conference 2017 and helped to make it a great success. We hope that you enjoyed your experience. We would love to hear your feedback so if you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete this short survey.


The AEngD have requested nominations from EngD Centres for AEngD RE / Alumni reps.

Please see and speak to Mike Board if you are interested in being a rep and applying for a rep post.



The Media and Arts Technology Centre for Doctoral Training at Queen Mary University of London is calling for artist submissions and proposals from current CDT PhD students within the Digital Economy Network.

This is a week-long program of talks, performances and an exhibition calledInter/Sections.

Inter/sections is a symposium organised by students in the Media and Arts Technology (MAT) programme at Queen Mary, University of London. In September 2017, Inter/sections

discuss issues of Politics and Ethics in Media and Arts Technology through a week-long programme of workshops, talks, events and performances, and an exhibition of art.

This year’s theme is Ethics and Politics in Media and Arts Technology.

The call for submissions for the exhibition at the Mile End Art Pavilion in London, from 3-8 September 2017, is now open. The exhibition will feature some internationally renowned artists. This is an opportunity for all current PhD students to showcase new or existing work to a broad audience, and also engage in our other activities throughout the week.

The deadline for submission is Friday 30 June 2017, and selected Artists will be notified by July 18th. The submissions should include images and a clear concept of your proposed exhibit/work.

Proposals and questions should be emailed to [email protected]; please clearly

indicate ‘call for students’ in the subject line.

Further information about the symposium can be found on the website


DE Summer School

4th – 6th July 2017

DE Summer School website and programme is now live and available online at .

You can view the programme overview/timings, workshop/seminar details, accommodation and social/meal arrangements on the website in advance of registration opening over the next few days.

The cost for CDT/PhD students to attend for the 3 days – with accommodation will be £300; day-delegates without accommodation will be £175.

Registration is now Open.

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