Congratulations to Sean Soraghan for successfully defending his Thesis “A Perceptually Motivated Approach to Timbre Representation and Visualisation”. Congratulations also to his supervisory team Alain Renaud (Bournemouth University) and Ben Supper (ROLI) for supporting him throughout his EngD. Find out more about this story on the CDE website.
Congratulations also go to Daniela De Angeli who recently won the University of Bath, Vice-Chancellor’s Postgraduate Prize for Public Engagement with Research. Congratulations Daniela. Very well deserved.
CDE Conference 2017
Register today to secure your place at this year’s CDE Conference
Final revised deadline for abstracts: Friday 12 May 2017 17:00
Applicants will be contacted by 26th May 2017
This annual one-day event, led by Bristol Vision Institute (BVI) at the University of Bristol in collaboration with the Universities of Bath, Exeter and Cardiff, brings together vision researchers from all disciplines.
The event will be held at the University of Bath, featuring a keynote talk from Jon Starck Head of Research at Foundry on”Computer Vision in Movie Post-production”.
The colloquium provides an ideal opportunity for postgraduate students, postdoctoral research associates and others at an equivalent career stage, to present their work and obtain valuable feedback in an informal conference environment.
Submissions are invited from all areas of Vision Science and Engineering, including, but not limited to Biology, Psychology, Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, Physics, Mathematics and the Creative Arts.
To submit an abstract for poster or presentation, for general admission tickets or for more information please visit:– Please note you will have a maximum of 90 minutes in which to register once you have selected your ticket so please be prepared with your title, abstract and references beforehand.
AniNex Workshop – Submission Deadline Extension
Submissions are also open for the 3rd “AniNex” Workshop – Next Generation Computer Animation Techniques – at Edutainment at Bournemouth on 23 June 2017. Please see the details below.
Perhaps if you are preparing a new paper/poster for the CDE Conference, you could also submit it to the AniNex Workshop. This is a fantastic opportunity and a great dissemination route.
You are invited to submit your research work on the related topics of computer animation to the workshop, which will publish a post-conference proceeding at LNCS. An extended version of a selection of papers will be recommended to four peer-reviewed journals, which are in line with the Edutainment conference.
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 7th May 2017.
Please find more information by following the link:
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Dr Jian Chang at [email protected]
Institute for Mathematical Innovation
Compressive Sensing Workshop
One Day on Compressive Sensing: Advances in theory, algorithms and applications 1st June 2017, University of Bath
Interdisciplinary workshop looking at recent developments in the field and addressing key applications
Speakers Include:
Dr Silvia Gazzola, University of Bath
Dr Marta Betcke, University College London
Dr Thomas Blumensath, University of Southampton
Dr Xiaohao Cai, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL
Dr Clarice Poon, University of Cambridge
Professor Jared Tanner, University of Oxford
Dr Yves van Gennip, University of Nottingham
Registration deadline: Friday 12th May 2017
The AEngD have requested nominations from EngD Centres for AEngD RE / Alumni reps.
Please see and contact Mike Board if you are interested in being a rep and applying for a rep post.