The Festival of Learning will take place at Bournemouth University, 8-12th July 2017. CDE will be taking part this year, we will showcase some of your research and any interactive demos you may have. We welcome any event suggestions and ideas you have to bring this event to life. We are working to quite a tight schedule and the deadline for event applications is Friday 2nd December 2016. Please email your ideas and suggestions to Zoe Leonard by Wednesday 30th November.
The FOL, celebrating its 5th year, represents a wonderful celebration of learning, the Festival showcases BU’s research and expertise to a wide and varied audience, including local communities, staff, students, employers and alumni around the world. We are now looking for staff and students to put forward event proposals for both the UK Festival of Learning and the global Festival of Learning.
Public Engagement Training
We have organised some joint Public Engagement Training with the other CDTs based at Bath.
This is a fantastic opportunity and we strongly recommend that you participate in the training. We have received really good feedback from others who have taken the courses, and it will also look great on your CV – especially if you go on to use it.
There are two training sessions, one is a Designing a Creative Public Engagement Activity workshop and the other is a Non-Academic Writing workshop.
The Creative Workshop Training – 15th February 2017 – 14:00 – 17:00 Rooms TBC
Non-Academic Writing – 22nd February 2017 – 14:00 – 16:00 Rooms TBC
Please let Anna Beeton know if you are interested in this and which one (or both) ASAP, as there are limited numbers as the training is shared across 3 CDTs.
Call for expressions of interest: Thrivership UK 2017
Would you like to be a part of the largest collaborative event in 2017 to improve the quality of life for those who have been affected by cancer? Living Well Active and the Student Project Bank are inviting students and staff from across BU to register their interest in helping shape the Thrivership UK 2017 Four Nations Convention: From Survivor to Thriver.
On 13th July 2017, Bournemouth University will bring together leading organisations from the four nations representing cancer-related charities and survivorship projects, sport and physical activity, NHS and local governments to share best practice, research and innovative ideas to improve the services, experience and outcomes for people living with a cancer diagnosis. This event will also host a health and wellbeing clinic for 200 people living with cancer.
To make this event a success, Living Well needs support with:
- Event development, management, marketing and administration
- Branding and marketing materials design
- Website development
- Social media development and promotion
- Media capture of the event (film/photography)
- Interviewing participants in the event
- Event impact evaluation
- Literature review around improving cancer survivorship
- Event day support/management
Interested in taking part?
There will be a presentation and Q&A session with the founder of Living Well Agency on 6th December at 11:00 in the Lawrence Lecture Theatre, Talbot Campus. Register your attendance here. Refreshments will be provided.
Taking part in this event is a great way for students to enhance their CV, gain real-world project experience and contribute to people’s potential to live active and happy lives with and beyond cancer.
Short talks from University of Bath Alumni – on Friday 9th December – 16.15 – 17.15 – CD 3.11 University of Bath
Alf Hill – (recently appointed) Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, University of Bath
“My role combines producing international quality research and passing on my years of industrial experience in the Oil and Gas and Nuclear industries to the students via the departmental teaching programmes. I am researching the design of chemical reaction systems that integrate heat transfer directly into catalyst design for improved energy efficiency, process integration and reaction temperature control. I am interested in working closely with industry to pass on the benefits of the latest research.”
Fraeya Whiffin – Civil Servant, Civil Service Fast Stream
Fraeya will be working in five science or engineering-based roles over her four years on the Civil Service Fast Stream (science and engineering stream). Her first role was in the Food Standards Agency where she worked on commissioning and managing research projects and translating science into policy. Find out more about the scheme: (applications are currently open) Fraeya is passionate about her job and looks forward to discussing it with you in detail.
Limited spaces; register by 30 Nov:
As always, this is a great opportunity to network with our alumni and gain valuable insights into their career choices! Tea/coffee and refreshments will be served.
EPSRC Digital Economy Telling Tales of Engagement Competition 2016 – Applications close on 1st December 2016.
The RCUK Digital Economy Theme is running a competition to help capture and promote the impact that your digital economy research is having. Three prizes of £10,000 are available to support researchers to further tell the story of research impact interestingly and engagingly to a wider audience. For more information click here.
Enhanced Rehabilitation Of The Upper Limb Following Stroke By An Adaptive Virtual Reality And FES Approach
We would like to invite you to the latest research seminar of the Creative Technology Research Centre.
Speaker: Nathan Barrett (A Bournemouth University PhD student based at Salisbury NHS).
Title: Enhanced Rehabilitation Of The Upper Limb Following Stroke By An Adaptive Virtual Reality And FES Approach
Time: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
Date: Wednesday 30th November 2016
Room: PG11, Poole House, Talbot Campus
Abstract: Of the approximately 150,000 people a year who suffer a stroke in the UK, 85% of survivors are left with some degree of motor dysfunction in their upper limb. Complete functional recovery has been found to occur in just 5% to 34% of cases. These low rates may be due to rehabilitative interventions that lack the volumes of specific motor practice needed to induce neuroplasticity – a form of cortical rewiring that allows the brain to adapt after damage. Assistive technologies, such as Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and virtual games, can augment such therapy and may be beneficial to a person’s recovery.
FES is a type of electrotherapy which has good clinical evidence for its use. Electrically stimulated movements, however, often lack combined voluntary effort – a factor necessary to aid effectiveness. Virtual games, on the other hand, often inspire huge amounts of volitional movement, although, particularly with popular commercial devices, this movement isn’t always therapeutic.
Combining the two is therefore an attractive prospect, yet attempts at this have resulted in systems that are costly, immobile and commercially unavailable. There is therefore a need to combine the two within a system that fulfils the criteria for an effective assistive technology. The system, Esmé (the Electrically-Stimulated Movement and Game Environment), is currently in development. This seminar provides an overview of the project and discusses next steps.