CDE Events 25th August 2016

25th August 2016

CDE Events 25th August 2016

CDE will be having a stand during the BFX Festival this year between Monday 10th and Friday 14th October. If any CDE students are interested in assisting on the stand and showing a demo of their research, please email Zoe Leonard to confirm your availability. If you are particularly interested in meeting with industry, Monday 10th October is the pro day and Friday 14th October is the careers day.


Welcome back to Anna Beeton. Anna has been on maternity leave for the past year, but we are pleased to say that she is now back and as of Wednesday 24th August, has resumed her role as Research Events Co-ordinator at the University of Bath. May we also take this opportunity to thank both Laura Simpson and Lucy Norris for doing an amazing job during Anna’s leave, everyone at the CDE is very grateful and we wish you both well in your next adventure.

Anna’s return marks an exciting time for CDE as we are back to a full complement of staff. Each member of the team is on hand to help out with any questions or queries you may have, so please remember that you can contact us by phone, email or pop into the office for a chat.

As part of our open door policy, we would like to highlight that all students are welcome to pop into the office at any time for a chat. Students registered at UoB will always find a member of the team in the office between 11.15 – 12.15 on Thursday mornings, if you would like to pop in to discuss anything. At BU we have now introduced monthly student rep meetings, so if you have any concerns you would like to raise, please let you student reps know. Alternatively you can pop into the office at any time during the week, or if you prefer you can make an appointment to meet with either Mike or Zoe via email.


Still time to book – Professor Jian Jun Zhang, Dr Jian Chang and Hui Liang would like to invite you all to attend the EU AniM workshop.

The workshop is due to take place on 2nd September 2016 at the Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University.

Registration is now open, click on the link above to access more information and the registration page. This is a free event and lunch and refreshments will be provided.



We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a Houdini Master Class at Bournemouth University on Wednesday 12th October. SideFX would really like some feedback from you in advance of the programme to ensure that they make the day as useful as possible for you. Please take the time to complete this short survey on Houdini to help us tailor the Masterclass for you. We plan to arrange a number of Master Classes over the coming academic year, so please show your enthusiasm and join in where possible.


The Mixed Reality Summit will be taking place on the 15th & 16th November, at the Park Plaza Victoria, London. Take a look at the website for more details. MXR Summit 2016.


Artist and Director Richard Ramchurn believes that in the future film will augmented by the viewers’ mind. SCANNERS: The Disadvantages of Time Travel tests this theory. A 16-minute interactive, brain controlled film, it tells the story of a young boy in rural Scotland surviving between fantasy and reality as he copes with bullying and isolation. The film flows between impressionistic dream and grounded real life based on the viewers’ emotional response.The interaction has been designed to provide real-time feedback that syncs with the rates and rhythms of the viewers’ physiological data creating an experience that is akin to an inner visualisation. It currently uses up to 3 EEG headsets allowing it to respond to shared emotional response of multiple people

This work has been covered by Reuters, The Mail Online, Manchunian Matters and TEDx. The project has also won ‘Best Art Paper’ at the prestigious CHI Conference in 2016.

This is your chance to experience the film for yourself and be part of the research that will develop new ways of storytelling.

Richard will be screening the brain controlled film ‘The Disadvantages of Time Travel’ on Friday the 16th September at the Digital Catapult Centre in London. Between 11:00 and 17:00.

The screenings are free.

Digital Catapult Centre

9th Floor, 101 Euston Road

London, NW1 2RA

book your slot here:

The first 3 people for each screening will be able to take part in the research. Each session last for 1 hour.

If you have any queries – please email [email protected]


CVMP 2016 Call For Papers and Demos


13th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)

British Film Institute (BFI), London, UK. 12-13 December 2016.

** Short Paper Deadline – 26th August 2016 **

** Demos Deadline – 26th August 2016 **

** Confirmed Keynote Speakers **

Andrew Whitehurst, Double Negative Visual Effects

Michael Black, Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems

Iain Matthews, Disney Research

More to be announced soon!


CDE Research Engineer Mark Moseley recently took part in some public engagement activities arranged by Bournemouth University. Pitching upin between two amazingly fragrant food stands in Boscombe, the BU Research and knowledge Exchange team, spent the day talking to the community about two research projects with the potential to change lives as part of a British Science Association and Royal Society of Chemistry series of events known as Science in the City. Click here to find out more.

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