Events 13th June 2016

13th June 2016

Events 13th June 2016

CVMP 2016 Call For Papers and Demos


13th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)

British Film Institute (BFI), London, UK. 12-13 December 2016.

** Full Paper Deadline – 8th July 2016 **

** Short Paper Deadline – 26th August 2016 **

** Demos Deadline – 26th August 2016 **

** Confirmed Keynote Speakers **

Andrew Whitehurst, Double Negative Visual Effects

Michael Black, Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems

Iain Matthews, Disney Research

More to be announced soon!


The Media Arts and Technology CDT at Queen Mary University warmly invite you and your students to contribute to a symposium exploring interdisciplinary research at the intersection of art and technology looking towards its impact on our everyday lives and experiences. The INTER/SECTIONS symposium on Friday 16th September 2016 will explore the themes Symbiosis, Empowerment and Methodology in the context of doing interdisciplinary research.

We invite you and your students to a day of talks, panel discussions, and also a chance to contribute through an un-conference session showcasing the work of your CDT and other Digital Economy CDT’s from across the UK. The un-conference session will include opportunity to give a Pecha-Kucha, a project show and tell, and participate in a World Café session.

INTER/SECTIONS is a celebration of the innovative research spanning multiple disciplines from the Media and Arts Technology programme. Artistic and technical practices have much to offer one another, yet still so often remain curiously separate. In the MAT program we combine art making, design and performance disciplines with a high level of technical and engineering skills to produce research that asks new questions and seeks innovative solutions. We believe that collaboration and interdisciplinary research will contribute to solving the challenges presented by our changing and connected world.

Running alongside the symposium through the week, there is an exhibition of works and series of music performances that you are also invited to, for more information please visit our website at:

To directly register your interest and discuss how you could contribute please contact us directly at: [email protected]

And finally, if you would like to book your ticket immediately head along to our conference site to register, this site has a detailed schedule and information regarding the symposium event.


Bournemouth University is hosting the Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2016 conference, on 15 – 16th September 2016. The Centre for Digital Entertainment has been granted an extended paper submission date of 27th June 2016. Click here for more information.


Bournemouth Registered students  – please note that the last PhD lunch of the term will be held on Tuesday 14th June at 12.00, in the Chaplaincy.


BU Academic Hongchuan Yu will be leading a unit of ‘Numerical Optimization Methods’. The first module is – Module 1: Linear Programming Methods

In various optimization applications, there are kinds of problems whose objective functions can be expressed in a linear combination form. This is the Linear Programming Problem. In this module, we will study its standard form, basic solution, feasible solution and optimal solution, and then yield the simplex method through a computational example. Moreover, we will also study the interior point method since it is more suitable for large-scale linear programming problems.

This module will include 3 lectures which will all take place on Talbot Campus, Commencing Friday 17th June 2016.

If you would like to attend, please visit myBU to download lecture notes or email Hongchuan Yu directly.


CDE Success stories

This week we are giving congratulations for Posters and Papers that have been accepted into upcoming conferences.

Alex Gouvatsos and supervisor Dr Zhidong Xiao have been successful in having their poster ‘Efficient 3D Storyboarding in 3D Game Engines’ accepted to the SCA – The symposium on Computer Animation, which this year is taking place in Zurich, Switzerland.

Alastair Barber, Darren Cosker and the team from Double Negative (Oliver James, Ted Waine and Radhika Patel) have recently had their paper ‘Camera Tracking in Visual Effects – An Industry Perspective of Structure from Motion’ accepted to the DigiPro 2016 conference. This is a collocated event with SIGGRAPH 2016 and Alastair will be presenting the paper on 23rd July.

Alastair said “We’ve had an amazing response from the reviewers on it, and it’s the first time that we know of that real industrial data surrounding VFX workflows and pipelines has been put out to the academic community.

The overall aim is to examine why, when there’s so much research being done in automatic camera tracking in the computer vision community, we in VFX spend so much time and human effort figuring out camera movement, even with access to the latest tools, equipment and research. We’ve been able to analyse data from nearly 1000 shots over 6 recent Hollywood feature films to look for trends, and have included feedback and reports from senior artists worldwide on how they tackle difficult shots. We conclude that, for a variety of reasons, camera tracking is very much a problem-solving exercise, and our quantitative results support the theory that there are a great number of factors that contribute to making a shot difficult to solve. There is still a lot of work to be done before a method for fully automatically tracking shots to the required standard becomes available!”

Fabio Turchet and his supervisory team have also been successful with a poster titled ‘Physics-Aided Editing of Simulation-Ready Muscles for Visual Effects’ recently being accepted into SIGGRAPH 2016.

Simone Barbieri also joins the successful SIGGRAPH submissions, with his Poster ‘Enhancing Character Posing by a Sketch-Based Interaction’ being accepted. Simone outlines his poster here – “Sketch as the most intuitive and powerful 2D design method has been used by artists for decades. However, it is not fully integrated into the current 3D animation pipeline due to the difficulties of interpreting 2D line drawings into 3D. Several successful research for character posing from sketches have been presented in the past few years, such as the Line of Action and Sketch Abstractions. However, both of the methods require animators to manually give some initial setup to solve the corresponding problems. In this paper, we propose a new sketch-based character posing system which is more flexible and efficient. The character can be easily posed no matter whether the sketch represents a skeleton structure or shape contours”.

Mark Moseley and Asha Blatherwick have both been successful with submissions to the British HCI 2016 Conference, taking place in Bournemouth, 11-15th July 2016. Asha has been accepted into the Doctoral Consortium and Mark, the Doctoral Consortium and Interactions Gallery.

Rahul Dey has been accepted to give a talk during DevelopBrighton 2016. Rahul will discuss ways to apply a rational approach to research and development. He will show game developers methods to quickly identify the most suitable technologies for their individual needs and will discuss the most common pitfalls when critically evaluating technology. Ray will analyse a set of working examples and demonstrate how to assess the reliability of key sources such as academic papers and blog posts for real-world practicality.

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