Events 19th November 2015

19th November 2015

Events 19th November 2015

CDE Master Classes

Richard Southern will be delivering a Master Class from 9 to 12 on Friday 27th November for first and second years. The Master Class will take place in K101, Kimmeridge House, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University.

Richard will be looking at how to frame a hypothesis. Advice on the Literature Review including paper reviewing techniques. He’ll also take a bit of a look at writing a multi-disciplinary Lit Review.

If anyone has anything they would like Richard to include, either connected to those topics or completely different, please email Daniel Cox. Also please remember to confirm your attendance at the Master Class with Daniel Cox.


Museum Tech 2016 – is a seminar to celebrate some of the new and emerging digital technologies that are helping to shape the way audiences experience museums and their collections. Through a mixture of case studies, keynotes and practical demonstrations, Museum Tech 2016 is an opportunity to learn more about how technology can be used in many diverse areas of museum practice. For more information or to book your place please click here.


Photos are now available to view on the CDE website, from both the Coding Retreat and the Writing Retreat which both took place recently. Why don’t you take a sneaky peak?


The 8th International Congress of Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Heritage and Innovation, Arqueológica 2.0. will be held in Valencia in September 2016. As in previous years, this event will see the presence of important personalities from the world of Virtual Archaeology and Digital Heritage, whose scientific input and expertise will be of interest to all. For more information on paper submission deadlines please click here.


EPSRC has launched its third Science Photo competition which will run until midnight on Saturday 19 December 2015. The competition is open to allEPSRC-supported researchers andEPSRC-supported doctoral students, giving them the opportunity to share their research through pictures and the chance to win prizes.

For details on how to enter please click through to the Photo competition page.

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