Ability NOT Disability: Playful, Adaptive and Rehabilitative Technologies
Join our CDE Research Engineers and experience our latest pioneering technology. See how our research can break down barriers to participation and improve the quality of life for those with conditions that limit their abilities. Explore the emerging field of assistive technology and gain a hands-on understanding of how digital entertainment can support rehabilitation and special educational needs.
CDE Research Engineers will be available on Saturday 11th July 12.00 – 18.00 for a drop-in interactive session. They will be giving short presentations on their research during the evening sessions on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th July (19.00 – 21.00), followed by an interactive session, so you can gain hands-on experience of these technologies.
Mark Moseley’s research combining eye tracking and robotic arms can allow children with severe mobility difficulties the ability to control objects in the real world.
Asha Blatherwick is researching the creation of new musical instruments to help children with complex learning needs or physical and sensory impairments make music and express themselves.
Phil Wilkinson is developing Digital Literacy in Schools and the Community. He works with students to help them design games to raise awareness of social issues. Games can also help young people understand their complex medical treatment or help children with educational needs better communicate with their families.
Oliver Gingrich and Analema Group have created KIMA. KIMA is a real-time visualization tool that allows users emotional states and movements to control the sonic and visual patterns.
Our event is free and we really want to share our research with you. If these projects could open up a world of ability for you, your family or friends, please join us. Click here for more information and to register or email Zoe Leonard if you have any questions.
The Festival of Learning runs from Saturday 11 – Friday 17 July, with more than 150 free events and activities open to the public. Now in its third year, the Festival aims to share Bournemouth University’s world-leading research and expertise with the community in an engaging and accessible way.
Different events run throughout the day and evening, and range from interactive workshops and hands-on taster sessions to presentations and seminars.
To find out more, or book an event, visit www.bournemouth.ac.uk/fol or call 01202 962362.