The CDE supported Transmission brings together artists, therapists and technologists working with Brain Computer Interfaces. The second event takes place in Bournemouth on the 22nd April.
Transmission is a unique event that brings together visual, sonic and performance artists with therapists and neuroscientists to expand the possibilities of the latest Brain Computer Interface technology.
The first event in February featured key notes from Dr Mick Grierson of the Embodied Audiovisual Interaction Group at Goldsmiths and Neuromedia artist Luciana Haill and generated for this emerging research field.
The second event will continue to build a BCI community and anyone with an interest in BCI is welcome to attend. Tickets are free but spaces are limited.
Transmission Symposium, April 22nd 2015, Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth
The event has been organised by CDE student Oliver Gingrich, supervisors Zhidong Xiao, Alain Renaud and the Analema Art Group the Transmission Symposium is funded by the CDE and Fusion Funding.